When Scripture Speaks to You…

by | Jul 31, 2019 | Vital Men Devotions

Several years ago, my life was not in a good place.  My marriage, job, family, finances, vehicles and a few other things were all wrong all at the same time.  I was overwhelmed.  I was completely discouraged.  Everything seemed to be spiraling out of control until one day…

I was spending time in scripture just like any other day. There was one verse I had read many times that just popped off the page. 

John 10:10 A thief has only one thing in mind—he wants to steal, slaughter, and destroy.

I know I have a real enemy. He complicate things that should come easy.   He speaks lies to me that do not sound like lies. He tries to lead me to find comfort in things that do not satisfy. When I partake in these short term comforts, I find myself chained to the thing I went to for comfort. Joy stolen and hope slaughtered. The shame and confusion that follows leads to justifying myself doing what I know is wrong.  Then I do not know what is truth and what is a lie. The problem with deception is I am deceived. You see my enemy is alive and he is working for my complete destruction.

That same enemy is doing the same to you!  Then he tells you that you are the only one with those struggles.  Another lie!

Now here is the second part of the verse…

But I have come to give you everything in abundance,  more than you expect—life in its fullness until you overflow!

For as much as I have an enemy out to destroy me, I have King who is my friend who is out to bless me in abundance, even more than I expect. He said His plan for my life is “Life in its fullness until I overflow!”  When I read that and looked at my life, I saw a massive gap between His promise and my reality.  I had made poor decisions in my marriage, family, finances, etc. and made them in abundance. Ever feel that way?

So I began to pray.  I asked God for mercy because I did not deserve His promise.  I asked Him to forgive me and give me the grace to change.  I asked Him to bless me in the fullness of what He said in John 10:10.  My behaviors began to change.  I had to ask forgiveness for new things even after this for sure.  I sought mentors to help me.  Overtime my marriage was in a great place, we got out of debt but the house, family relationship were restored, and the vehicles story is for another day! My life is far from perfect, but it is far from the day I mentioned above.

Here is what I learned.  We have Jesus and an enemy looking to lead us. We choose who we follow.  God’s mercy and grace are greater than you expect and the life He has planned for you if “fullness until you overflow.”  You can’t change yesterday’s decision, but you can choose today whom you will follow. I pray God’s grace leads you to follow His Son.  It will not be easy. I will be hard often.  But there is faith, hope and love on the journey and that satisfies!

Live a Better Story

Brandon Sereg

VITAL Mission

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