Happy New You!

At the end of the year, we often take inventory of ourselves, our family, our lives, to see what has gone well and what has not, and maybe to decide if we should try to make some changes starting out in the new year.  We may want to make some physical improvements (or...

A Gift

Most of us like to receive gifts.  Well, at least gifts that we want, or can use, or that are meaningful to us.  Most guys (older than 20) don’t ask for much or have an extensive gift list for Christmas, but sometimes we get a nice present, that we may not even...


When was the last time you were hungry?  You might say, right before lunch or breakfast today, but were you really hungry, or you just felt it was time to eat?  Unless we have lived in poverty or other extreme conditions, most of us have never known hunger out of...


  Are there any areas in your life where you are on constant guard against sin?  Ares where you have stumbled in the past and know that there is potential to falter again, given an opportunity?  Its not to say you may not sin in other areas, but just a few were...


If someone asked you if you were still growing, what would you say?  First, we might make some joke about only gaining weight or getting shorter as we age, but then we might take a closer look at our lives and see if we are still growing in our knowledge or faith. ...