Living Words

Have you ever been reading or listening to a familiar passage of the Bible and had the realization “Hey, I’ve never noticed that before!”  It might be a passage you have visited many times and there seem to be new things that you are understanding for the first time,...

It is Well

How are you doing today?  Good, and you?  That’s the usual exchange when we see one another.  Do you ever open up and share with anyone when things aren’t so good?  Some family members and myself have been sick recently and we are all improving now.  When one or more...

Down and Out

  What do you say to a friend who is going through a tough time?  You may make more time to talk with them, listen, or help in whatever way you can.  You may even distance yourself if what they are going through is beyond anything you can help with.  In our...

Food for Thought

  Do you know what you are having for dinner tonight?  Some families plan out meals each week and may even have a list of what to expect, but not us.  My wife usually plans a few meals each week, but we don’t always know what it will be till just before dinner...

Fair weather Friends?

Who would you consider your best friends?  Maybe its someone who you have known since your youth and try to stay in touch with on a regular basis, or maybe its someone you have only come to know in more recent times, but with whom you have had deep conversations and...