Working and Praying Together

by | Jan 26, 2024 | Vital Life Application Devotions

“Strive together with me in your prayers to God for me, that I may be rescued from those who are disobedient … so that I may come to you in joy by the will of God and relax in your company.” – Romans 15:30–32

Writing to believers in Rome, Paul stressed the importance of prayer. He described a kind of prayer that was not vague but specific. He urged them to join him in praying for particular problems he faced and specific needs in the body of Christ. He taught them that to be effective, their prayers needed to be motivated by love. They were to have pure hearts, never competing with others or praying with a spirit of rivalry or jealousy. In this spirit of love, they were to strive together with him in their prayers. Paul knew he was involved in a battle. Spiritual warfare is central to the Christian life, and prayer is essential for victory in life and in that warfare. As believers, we are to be people of prayer—praying constantly, praying specifically, praying as the Spirit leads us, and praying with perseverance and faith. Paul also knew that the power of prayer is increased as believers are united. This was the context of urging Romans to “strive together with me in your prayers.” Be definitive in your prayers, remembering that prayer is central to spiritual warfare and essential for victory. The impact of our prayers is intensified through corporate prayer. As believers, pray together and join in the struggle.

Reflection Question: Write a prayer to combat the spiritual warfare in your life right now.

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