The Work of the Holy Spirit is Fruit of the Spirit

by | Aug 24, 2023 | Vital Life Application Devotions

Galatians 5:22-23 “…But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law…”


Continuing on from Part 1, we look at five more fruit of the Holy Spirit:

Kindness–Being tender-hearted with all people by giving an encouraging word, helping someone we see struggling and showing that we care.

Goodness–Possessing a good, moral nature—being virtuous in every area of our lives. Not corrupted by the world’s morals, but cultivating Godly values & morals.

Faithfulness–Showing that we’re faithful in whatever work God has given us—even if it’s a small task. Being a faithful employee in our jobs, being a faithful spouse in our marriages, being faithful in our business dealings with others and being a faithful friend—and standing on our ‘word’.

Gentleness–Showing gentleness when dealing with others—especially with difficult people. Responding to others in a gentle manner and tone, so as to diffuse a potential volatile situation.

Self-Control–This one can sometimes be a little hard. We need to have self-control in so many areas. It’s so easy to run with our emotions or give in to the flesh—whether it be when we feel angry or upset, or when tempted to overindulge in a whole bag of cookies instead of limiting ourselves to just one or two.

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