The Work of the Holy Spirit and Giftings

by | Aug 28, 2023 | Vital Life Application Devotions

1 Corinthians 12:7-11 “…But to each one is given the manifestation of the Spirit [the spiritual illumination and the enabling of the Holy Spirit] for the common good…All these things [the gifts, the achievements, the abilities, the empowering] are brought about by one and the same [Holy] Spirit, distributing to each one individually just as He chooses…” (Verses 7 & 11) 


Continuing on from Part 1, we look at five more gifts of the Holy Spirit:

Working of Miracles–To be able to believe that God will perform the miracle needed in someone’s life as they pray for them. The ability to expect sovereign intervention—whether it be for healing, restoration or moving impossible mountains. Nothing is impossible for God because He can do the impossible ‘miraculously’.

Prophecy–To be able to speak what God says into someone’s life—be it to encourage or to warn. The ability to hear from God that which He wants to say to His people. This is to uplift or to challenge so that it will bring about a positive change in the person’s life.

Discerning of Spirits–To be able to recognize straight away whether what someone says is doctrinally correct, if it is in line with biblical truth and is from God, themselves or from Satan. To be able to recognize demonic strongholds and demonic lies.

Different kinds of Tongues & Interpretation of Tongues–The tongues mentioned here is in a church setting and is to benefit the church when interpreted. These ‘different tongues’, when followed by the interpretation, refers to building up the church by prophesying or by having a word of knowledge or a word of encouragement for the church. If one prophesies in tongues, there needs to be an interpretation following, otherwise it doesn’t edify the church.
The ‘speaking in tongues’ or ‘praying in the Spirit’ is different to the tongues mentioned within the church setting, as it is for our own personal edification.

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