How Are You Serving God?

by | Jan 1, 2024 | Vital Life Application Devotions

“We give no offense in anything, that our ministry may not be blamed. But in all things we commend ourselves as ministers of God.”    2 Corinthians 6:3–4

Not everyone was convinced by Paul’s ministry and the messages he delivered. Some, in fact, were critical of him and made accusations so strong that he felt forced to defend himself. Writing to believers in Corinth, he described the difficulties he had experienced. He made it clear that he was not motivated by self-interest. He was not being defensive or worried about receiving rewards for his efforts. His goal was to serve God, advance His Kingdom, and follow Jesus. Moreover, he was careful not to do anything that might tarnish the Gospel. This was true even if he had been wronged and even if he did not receive honors or recognition. Demonstrating these principles, he described the tribulations he had faced. He sought to be faithful no matter what others said or did. The Holy Spirit motivated him, with sincere love, by the power of God, and a desire to do what was right. God wants us to seek first His Kingdom, be ready to leave all to follow Jesus, and avoid anything that might tarnish the Gospel message.

Ask yourself if you are more concerned for the Gospel or your own comfort, rewards, or reputation. In everything you do, selflessly seek to serve God. Ask Him to use you in the lives of others so that He might receive the glory.

Reflection Question: Are you focused on serving God?

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