
by | Jan 17, 2024 | Vital Life Application Devotions

“Concerning the collection for the saints … so you are to do as well. On the first day of every week, each of you is to put aside and save as he may prosper, so that no collections need to be made when I come.”—1 Corinthians 16:1–2

The Bible makes it clear. Stewardship is essential to being a Christian. It demonstrates our commitment to God and proves our priorities. Giving to Him helps us remember that everything we have belongs to Him and that He needs to have first place in our lives. But the Corinthian Christians needed to be reminded about these principles. Apparently, giving to God had not been a priority. The problem? A lack of planning. They might have had excuses, but Paul wanted them to know that this lack of planning was unacceptable. Every week, they needed to lay aside resources that were to be given to God’s work. They were to “put aside” these resources. These concrete actions would help them remember that God was concerned about their lives all the time, not just when the collection was taken. Stewardship wasn’t an option. Saving and giving should become habits. What was the basis of their giving? They were to examine their lives and seek guidance from God. Then, they were to act based on what they had been given and what He showed them. Many Christians, even today, do not realize the importance of stewardship. Make sure you are in the habit of giving to God. As necessary, put aside resources so you can give. Put God in first place. Show Him your commitment by giving Him your time, talents, and treasures.

Reflection Question: How can you remind yourself to make tithing a priority in your budget?

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