Stop blaming others

Ten years ago, I had a doctor’s appointment that, well, didn’t go very well. The doctor informed me that by pretty much every standard I was unhealthy. I was 100 pounds overweight, borderline diabetic, had high cholestrol, various stomach issues, and more....

Better Last Than First

One of the advantages of having a Bible reading plan is that you don’t only read the “greatest hits of scripture,” but also encounter passages that are downright difficult. The reality is, for every Philippians 4:13 and John 3:16 there are verses...

Relationships are a Gift

One of the many awesome gifts God has given humanity is the ability to have deep and powerful relationships with one another. What other creatures have the ability to have the sort of deep relationships that we as humans have? Because we have been gifted the ability...

The Wrong Stuff

Every time my family gets ready for vacation I get nervous. My nerves are caused by the thought of figuring out how I am possibly going to fit all of our stuff into the car or into our 50 pound max suitcases for international travel. When I say “our stuff”...

A Much Harder Job

If there is one thing we as Christians are consistantly good at it is pointing out the sins of others. Let’s face it: pointing out the wrongs of others is incredibly easy. It doesn’t require much effort to declare that someone else is wrong and that we are...