A Mind Blowing Lesson

  Jesus did a lot of mind blowing things in His life. He walked on water, turned water into wine, healed the seemingly incurable, and rose from the dead. Yet, I think one of His most mind blowing actions didn’t involve anything miraculous, but instead a mind blowing...

A Valuable Investment

We invest in a lot of things during our lives. We invest financially, saving for retirement, purchasing a home, having life insurance, etc. We invest in hobbies, buying the best rifles, golf clubs, fishing rods, and motorcycles. Yet, there is something I feel that...

Don’t Forget God

There is a TikTok phenomenon influencing the moods of millions of people every day. Each morning a dog owner picks up his pug Noodle and drops him a short distance to the ground. If Noodle’s legs fall out from under him it’s a “no bones day” (because it looks...

Choosing to Lose

Hardly any athlete enters a game saying “today I am choosing to lose!” Instead, athletes do everything possible to win, even when they know winning is a longshot. I think this is why we see so many upsets in sports. An athlete or team may be less talented...

Self-Control on Target

This is part five of a series that asks the question: how can we live a life on target for God? God lays out some clear targets for our lives: the Fruit of the Spirit. When these are flowing from our life we know we are hitting God’s desired target. This week...