Giving the Perfect Gift

I’ve written, spoken, taught, and preached about Christmas an awful lot in my life. In fact, the first sermon I ever preached was in my home church on Christmas Eve when I was 18. I usually focus on the gift we receive at Christmas, which is a perfectly fine...

Using the Perfect Gift

Growing up, I loved video games, but my parents, well, didn’t. Every year I’d ask for Sega Genesis games (yep, just dated myself), and every year I wouldn’t get a single game. Books? Of course. A set of encyclopedias? Check. But a single, solitary,...

Who are you imitating?

I often grimace when I think about my first years in ministry. One of my many problems was the tendency to imitate other pastors instead of being myself. I remember spending so much time trying to imitate pastors I admired. Like many pastors, I went through my Rick...

Is God always with me?

There are some phrases in life that drive me nuts. I can’t stand when I’m told “I’ll be with you in a second.” What that often means is “I may be with you in a few minutes if I feel like it, but more then likely I won’t,...

Just be a man

What does it really mean to “just be a man?” We hear some variation of this phrase all the time. Just man up! Just be a man about it! What, however, does that really mean? The University of Manitoba conducted a study on what messages advertisers send about...