Our Real Fuel

My consumption of coffee is legendary. While I’ve never really liked the taste of coffee, I’ve become reliant on the energy it’s high caffeine levels give me. I rely on coffee because I’ve never been a morning person, behaving, speaking, and...

Never Surrender

I seem to have been born without the gene for patience.  Even Disney World annoyed me as a kid because I could not stand waiting in lines. I’d like to think I have matured some in my “old age.” While lines don’t bother me so much, the current problem is my...

Stop Taking it Easy

For years I really wanted a hot tub. However, being married to a very practical and stingy woman (her words!) put such a luxurious purchase out of reach. However, I discovered that there is a small window of time in which her frugality vanishes: pregnancy. Yes, months...

Follow Me: Forgiveness

Over the past few weeks I’ve been writing about the importance of following Jesus. I initially planned for this to be a three-week series, but then the following verse caught my eye, mind, and heart this week. It reminded me that perhaps the area of our lives...