Inauguration Day

Yesterday was Inauguration Day in the United States. Every four years the U.S. President is inaugurated on January 20. As Americans we recognized the structured process yesterday as Donald Trump was formally admitted to his office. The word "inauguration" is also...

New Goalz

So, the New Year has started….does it feel much different yet?  Have you reloved to make any changes to your life this year?  Despite the fact that over 90 percent of these resolutions are not met, is it even worth trying?  I would say Yes.  Anytime we examine our...

Leaving 2024, Entering 2025

The church here in Nicaragua differs from the church in the States in a number of ways. One of those is that many of the Christian holidays that are a big deal in the States are less so here (done in large part to differentiate themselves from Catholics). In fact,...

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