Luke pinpoints Jesus’ birth from the moment Caesar Augustus called for a census. This began a chain of events that led Joseph and Mary to Bethlehem where Jesus was born. But what of Augustus? When Jesus was born, how was he occupying his time?
Augustus was consumed with family squabbles and political infighting. Augustus had a complicated relationship with Tiberius, his stepson.
The irritations mounted after Augustus assigned Tiberius the task of settling unrest in Armenia. He shocked Augustus by announcing that he was “weary” and would retire. When his desires weren’t immediately approved, he went on a hunger strike until Augustus finally relented, so Tiberius could retire to the island of Rhodes.
In the words of Roman historian Suetonius, at the prime of his life, Tiberius was withdrawing “as far as possible from the center of the stage.” Ironically, after Augustus’ death, Tiberius succeeded his stepfather as Caesar. While these men were worried about power, prestige, and personal promotions, Jesus was born in far-off Bethlehem. His humble birth demonstrates that God is not caught up in worldly politics or control. Greatness comes through faithfulness and humility. His plans are more important than all the world’s crafty schemes.
Today, choose to serve Jesus! He will never disappoint you!
Reflection Question: Reflect on the role politics plays in your spiritual life.