God’s Strength in Our Difficult Places

by | Jul 27, 2023 | Vital Life Application Devotions

Habakkuk 3:19 The Lord God is my strength [my source of courage, my invincible army]; He has made my feet [steady and sure] like hinds’ feet and makes me walk [forward with spiritual confidence] on my high places [of challenge and responsibility].

No matter what we face in life, God is our ‘Strength’. He is our source of ‘Courage’ and is likened to an ‘Invincible Army’, which no one and nothing can conquer. He is too powerful to be defeated or overcome—that is who God is!

He steadies us in our walk. He makes our feet like hinds’ feet, so that we can be steadier and more confident in our walk. We can then walk forward with spiritual confidence on the high places, the steep, mountainous places of challenge, struggle, responsibility, and on the rocky places where we can lose our footing and stumble. He is there strengthening us as we walk with Him. He strengthens our feet with each step we take as we walk through those difficult and rough patches. We can have confidence in Him!

Those difficult places of challenge & struggle only deepen our relationship with God, so we should never run from them. It is necessary to go through them, and we can go through them when we keep our eyes on the good Shepherd and continue walking with Him. He has promised us that He will walk with us and steady us as we do. He is fully trustworthy!

So, today, if you are facing a rocky mountain or if you are already making your way up its steep cliffs, remember that God is with you with each step you take. Keep holding onto Him and keep taking steps—walking forward with spiritual confidence in your heavenly Father.

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