Listen Here

by | Dec 7, 2023 | Vital Men Devotions

What do you listen to most throughout the day?  I’ve seen some families that like to have the TV on in the background most of the time.  I often listen to the news on the radio when I am driving throughout the day, or maybe there is a podcast that you like to listen to when you can.  There may even be a voice in your head reminding you to do things throughout the day.  Regardless of what you listen to, there are voices all around us that are telling us things, some of which may be true and some are misleading.  You probably have a long list of emails and text messages from politicians and ads trying to sell you everything under the sun, all wanting you to do what will help them somehow.  How do we sort through all those messages and voices to do what is most beneficial for us or others?  

My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.  John 10:27

If you are a Christian, it is assumed you read or listen to scripture, at least a little.  Maybe this is during the sermon at church, or through a radio show you listen to regularly.  Are you regularly in the Word on your own?  My daughter asked me yesterday if I have read the ‘Whole’ bible, to which I said yes, throughout the year.  I used to have daily readings which broke up the bible into daily OT, Proverbs, and NT readings, and I was always amazed at how relevant something was during that day that I had just read in the morning.  It was living and active with me on a daily basis.  I always ask ‘why am I not doing that now’ when I am out of this daily routine.  I find a difference in my attitude and even joy in my life on days with the Word and days out of it, so the common sense voice seems to say, then keep in the Word as often as you can.  If you have doubts, turn your ears to God in prayer and see what He says!

So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.  Romans 10:17

Yours in Christ,


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