The Bible tells us that God does not reveal everything about situations we face, other people, ourselves, or world events. Yes, He keeps some things secret. Sometimes He reveals things a little bit at a time.
In contrast, some things are revealed to us. In his translation, James Moffatt calls these “the unfolded issues of the day.” This is how life often comes at us as issues unfold day by day and moment by moment.
We react to the events of life in so many ways—worry, fear, concern, or confidence. But the Bible reminds us that God is sovereign and that events unfold according to His plan. He can give us understanding at just the right time.
However, He only expects us to know what He has revealed to us. He has revealed these things, so we may observe and obey.
At the end of a year, we have an opportunity to look back and review what we have done—mistakes made, regrets, events that unfolded, things we wish we had known. Looking forward, we go through the same process, wondering what lies ahead.
As you think about the past year and the blank slate of the year ahead, remember to base your life on God’s revealed will, His Word. Remember that some things will be hidden from you. Your task is to stay faithful to what God has revealed to you. Let Him guide you as events unfold.
Reflection Question: Write a prayer asking God to reveal something new to you this week.