The Work of the Holy Spirit Leads Into Truth

by | Aug 17, 2023 | Vital Life Application Devotions

John 16:13-15 “…But when He, the Spirit of Truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth [full and complete truth]. For He will not speak on His own initiative, but He will speak whatever He hears [from the Father—the message regarding the Son], and He will disclose to you what is to come [in the future]…”


The work of the Holy Spirit is to teach us God’s truth and to lead us into truth. He illuminates the scriptures and gives us understanding of the truths in God’s Word. We cannot possibly understand the scriptures with a carnal mind–that is, a worldly and unspiritual mind. We need the indwelling Holy Spirit to reveal God’s truth to us.

God wants us to have an intimate understanding of what His Word is saying because He doesn’t want us confused and living in the dark concerning His Word, but He wants us to have a clear understanding that penetrates the heart and very centre of our being so that we can live in the light of His truth.

We need to be teachable and pliable in God’s hands and allow the Holy Spirit to fill us, teach us and guide us. If we don’t allow the Holy Spirit to teach us, we may end up believing ‘error’ instead of ‘truth’. And this is why it is so important to interpret scripture correctly–and we can only do this by allowing the Holy Spirit to show us the truth in God’s Word.

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