God loved us so much that He sent Jesus to grow up to be a man and die for the sins of people.
Because of Him, we can be part of God’s family. This is true no matter who we are or what we have done. He offers us the opportunity to be part of His family in the same way that children are born into their natural families. Each of us can “become children of God” even though we do not deserve that privilege.
We cannot become good enough to be His children. We cannot do enough righteous acts, reform ourselves enough, sacrifice enough, give enough, dedicate ourselves enough, or achieve enough to earn that position. This is a spiritual birth. We must be born of God through the work of Jesus on the cross.
Today, pause to thank God for sending Jesus. If you have committed your life to Him, rejoice that you have become His child. But if you have any doubts, this is the time to be sure. Talk with Him and believe on His name. Confess your sins and believe that Jesus died to pay the penalty for them, so you wouldn’t have to.
Reflection Question: What is the most special aspect for you of being a child of God?