Who You Gonna Call?

by | Jan 11, 2024 | Vital Men Devotions

We don’t often appreciate what we have until it is gone, or nearly disappeared.  For the past week or so, my phone has not worked as it should be working.  I only get a cellular signal less than 5 percent of the time, which makes it almost useless.  I can connect to wifi and if I turn it off and back on again, it will usually get a signal for a few minutes, but making phone calls is not usually possible.  So, the next question would be, why don’t you fix it or get a new phone?  I have asked others and tried several different things, but without much success, so am down to one more thing, and then trying to decide what new phone to buy.  I often say that technology is helpful until it is not working, which is where I find myself now, wondering how we survived before cell phones.  What things do you depend on regularly that would upset your daily routine if they stopped working?

The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.  Psalm 145:18

Several times this past week, I thought about calling people I had not talked to in a while and realized I needed to use a more reliable means than what I was able at the time.  I actually called a friend and was able to talk several times for 20-40 seconds before the call dropped repeatedly.  He was understanding, but I finally borrowed my wife’s phone and finished the conversation without further interruptions.  If anything, this experience has helped me more greatly appreciate the ability to communicate so easily with others that I often take for granted.  I even recall when we only had land lines (not all that long ago) and how we traveled safely and got through difficulties without always having a phone with us to help out.  Now, its like we lose a part of our body, or we are rendered helpless when our phone does not work, as we have become so dependent on it for many things, but like when fasting, sometimes it is good to take a break from those things to help us appreciate them, or use them more wisely. 

And call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify me. Psalm 50:15

This experience is also a reminder of what I do when I initially experience difficulties.  Normally, I first try to troubleshoot the problem to resolve it simply if able, then turn to others with more expertise if needed.  My initial response is not always, ‘Lord, can you help me out here?’ but when all my own attempts to fix things turn up empty, then I start asking for help.  I have often found that when things spin out of my control and I get desperate for help, then I tend to realize my need for God more than just making it through a normal day.  And believe it or not, He most always responds or provides the answer I need at that time.  Especially when we face more challenging things than cell phone difficulties, like with how to navigate difficult relationships, raising children right, health troubles, or any number of difficulties that we face in life.  When the going gets tough, who do you call on?  Sooner or later, when you do call on the Lord, may you get the answer that will help you through your difficulties, and build your trust in the One who made the universe.

For “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved!”  Romans 10:13

Yours in Christ,


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