A Mixed Bag

by | Jun 29, 2017 | Vital Men Devotions

I had a discussion a couple weeks ago with a friend and we talked about what made us think some people were good and others were bad.  If someone were to ask if you are a good person, what would you say?  I would guess 90% of people would say ‘yes’, and if asked why, we would most likely state some of the good things we have done, or compare ourselves to a worst case scenario…e.g. I haven’t killed anyone, or I’m not like Hitler, etc.  Maybe that is why it is so easy for people to gossip and look down on others, because it makes them feel better about themselves.  At least I’m not like him.  However, in reality, none of us are good.  99.9 % of people reading this have lied, cheated, stolen something, lusted, or broken the law in some way this past week.  We are all guilty, however some of our sins are more obvious than others.  What is your greatest flaw?

“Why do you call me good?” Jesus answered. “No one is good–except God alone.  Luke 18:19

Each day we face hundreds of choices and decisions in how we live our lives, treat others, spend our free time, and perform the work we are given.  Some of those choices turn out well, and some should teach us what not to do again.  What lessons did you learn yesterday?  Have you ever put yourself in someone else’s position and wonder, ‘how would I have handled that?’  What if you had been born to a nomadic Muslim family, or been born a prince with great influence, or born to a single parent without family nearby, or any other fathomable scenario.  How would your life be different?  How would your faith be different? 

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.  Philippians 4:8

On any given day we can examine our lives and see a mixed bag of the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.  We will not likely get to the point of perfection in this life, but if we have boundaries and keep to good principles of living, like those found in scripture, our batting average should improve with practice.  Others may even call you a good guy, despite your flaws.  Whether we try or not, we have a tendency to become more like those we spend the most time around and those we admire.  Who is that for you?  The more time you spend in the Word and in prayer, the more we tend to become like the One who saved us.  Even when you are struggling in any given area, take it to Him and surrender more of your life to Him.  He wants to refine you and make you holy, because He is holy.  You are never justified because of your good deeds, but they are definitely evident in your life as you are sanctified and become more like Him.  Look to Jesus today to renew your spirit, refine you, and make each day a good day!

Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.  Philippians 1:6

Courage in Christ,

VITAL Mission

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