Thankful for My Spouse

Ephesians 5:25New International Version (NIV) 25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her What is a husband's responsibility to love his wife well? I think there are 3 components that are crucial for loving our wives well,...

Diligent Pursuit

With the demands of the archery shop this fall, I hadn't been able to get to the field as much as I would have liked.  However, this week I took off Tuesday and Wednesday, combined with my regular Sunday and Monday off, I was able to spend some quality time in pursuit...

Mad Men

What ticks you off?  Is there something that people do, or a specific person does, that gets under your skin and causes you to get upset?  There are often things that may cause even a well-tempered Christian to lose their cool from time to time.  For me, it usually...

Thankful For God

Matthew 22:37New International Version (NIV) 37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ When I read this verse, it always strikes me, "You must." It doesn't say, if you can, or if you are willing. It...

Graceful Conversation

Proverbs 26:4,5 (NLT) Don’t answer the foolish arguments of fools, or you will become as foolish as they are.  5 Be sure to answer the foolish arguments of fools, or they will become wise in their own estimation. This passage was related in our mens' group the other...

Lost and Found

Have you ever come across something you had tucked away some time ago, or thought you had lost and exclaimed ‘There it is!’  It is a good feeling.  This past weekend, I was playing junior lumberjack and clearing some invasive trees in some timber, when I noticed a...

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