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For Granted

  Have you ever done without something for so long that you just accept it as a new normal?  Over the past 5 years, due to a new child and some other factors, I developed some patterns of sleep that have been so unnatural, that a solid 8 hour night of sleep...


I’ve heard a lot of talk the past couple days about a group of men who are lost at sea, or somewhere in the sea.  Five rich men were on an adventure to travel in an experimental submersible craft to see the wreck of the Titanic when communication was lost with the...

The Weakest Link

This last week, I got a call from a tenant who said there was an issue with the water heater.  After an inspection, I saw that there was a small leak, which indirectly caused the line to the pilot light to be compromised and was therefore not working properly.  I did...

My Kingdom

We want control over areas of our lives, declaring them to be “my kingdom.” In reality, all creation is the Kingdom of God. We need to obey the King of Kings.

So distracted

Do you ever get so distracted by things in life that you forget to focus on your relationship with God? We need to stop getting so distracted by the world.

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