Be a Thinker

Micah 6:8 (NKJV) He has shown you, O man, what is good; And what does the Lord require of you But to do justly, To love mercy, And to walk humbly with your God? One of the greatest dangers facing America is its "dumbing down".  More and more people have been and are...

I Have Issues

A week from now marks the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther proposing his Ninety-five theses, which was influential in beginning the Protestant Reformation movement.  We don’t typically use the word theses these days, but it was an academic position against the...

Shalom, Shalom!

I've been frustrated lately with a certain head coach of a certain favorite college football team of mine, who seems to be substantially more positive then he should be. After a recently blowout loss his press conference was almost more glowing and positive then that...

Vector Change

John 21:18New International Version (NIV) 18 Very truly I tell you, when you were younger you dressed yourself and went where you wanted; but when you are old you will stretch out your hands, and someone else will dress you and lead you where you do not want to go.”...


Proverbs 30:7-9 (NKJV) Two things I request of You (Deprive me not before I die): 8 Remove falsehood and lies far from me; Give me neither poverty nor riches—Feed me with the food allotted to me; Lest I be full and deny You, And say, “Who is the Lord?” Or lest I be...

Why Jesus?

Have you ever had anyone ask why you were a follower of Jesus?  Maybe not directly, but you have probably had people ask you questions about your faith, or why you do something the way you do.  Was it fairly easy to give an answer for why you call yourself a...

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